Tag Archives: history

An open letter to a great Poet regarding Peace.

I really like and admire your writing skills and this piece is no exception. I have got to tell you though, that even before the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich Germany, that my generation saw played out on TV where 11 Israeli athletes and one German Police officer was killed by a group called “Black September”‘ I had come to associate murder,and terrorists’ plot with Islam. Then of course Palestine and Yasser Arrafat, the Egyptian assationation of President Anwar Sadat and the Israeli President soon after by Muslim terrorists, and recently here broken serial UN cease fire agreement by Hamas. I saw Beheadings of Hostages on TV and heard Muslims bragging about it and saw Muslims the day after 9/11 visiting our next door office professional, Dr.Setlur in what I can only describe as a festive mood. One of my beach buddies is Armenian who grew up in Palestine,his Dad was a Taxi cab owner and chauffeur. They migrated to Chicago and he has been a happy succesful businessman and citizen of the USA. My attitude today is,’let them kill each other’ until the strongest wins as is the rule in the Animal kingdom. My problem is where do I go when the Muslims rise up in America, as they predict they are coming for us. William Shakespeare:
“Judgement has fled to brutish beasts and men have lost their reason”

Sports Dynasty mirrors Human historyonics

The Randomness of Quantum Physics
Illustrates itself in the Exegence after a ballgame or
During the contest, then magnified in mass Exit
Of Encapsulated energy forms moving
In different Directions
Through similar Dual purpose portals
360 Degrees around,180 Degrees Opposed
To each other

Human Energy, itself a Universe of Energy
Exiting thru Strategic routes
From and to Reality
Being driven in similar Opposite
Or Closely Oblique Directions
Heading straight or stopping, detouring
All with the same Objective
Getting to the same Place :
Different Pillows on different sides
Of the Same or different Beds

Thoughts are things, procreative beings.

When I write the mud in my head settles and afterwards, I can see clearly.

I Remember seeing Oprah say about her shows, that she had interviewed thousands of people, I think it was two hundred and thirty seven thousand people ?! and the one thing they all had in common was that they were “looking for validation” .

I found that really bizarre, because in my life I had developed a sort of existential attitude, ‘ you win some and you lose some ‘ and what does it matter to anybody just as long as you are satisfied with your efforts, however feeble. “To venture forth is to live. Let waning energy be my harness .”

Maybe I was a Zen Master and didn’t know it.

Today I found out that I do need validation. I’ve just minutes ago found that the stubborn pioneer spirit of forging ahead on that lonely quest that is a seedling idea growing in my mind at the time, has always been rewarded with validation unrecognized as such; The successful initiation of any journey is my two part validation: The first is, the undertaking of a journey, the outcome of which is unknown, and second is the results of beginning that undertaking.

Only because someone very dear to me made fun of my spirit of adventure, and for the first time I experienced a physical sensation, because of their remarks about me, did I take stock and look for validation within myself.

And here’s the however: If my book had already been on the book shelves for any length of time , ANY. . . comments would have meant nothing to me, in true Zen student fashion. But since I had signed off on the Galley Proof, but not on the cover design, an off-hand remark, resonated within me and enlightenment came to me after the mud settled. That experience made me realize that we are all seeking validation. And that’s what life is all about. Validation.  “ I think therefore I am. ”   And I might add, “I write to give my thoughts an extended Lifespan ”  It’s an exchange in cosmic currency; My thoughts living in other peoples’ minds,the more original the longer the lifespan, complete with the possibility of endless resurrection if puzzling or hypnotic enough.