Hand in hand with Joy!

This post goes hand in hand with Sara Khan’s inspiring posting of 6/24/14: ” Rejoice yes you can ” on her site ‘My spiritual awakening from within.’

When I was 9 years old he was my best friend, he was the best man at my Wedding when I was 27. He was muslim. His name was Ali. His house was less than 100 yards from ours. His oldest sister was my first girl friend. I could run down a roster of childhood friends, friends to this day who were/are Muslim.Names like Hassanali, Ragunan,Gobin ,Balgobin, Rafik Poolol, Khan, Aboud Teeluxsingh, Gopool, Shah, Abdul ,Habib, Kumar, Battoo, Ramsaran, Ramjattan(Bat ears)Nadur, Judgar, the Nathu brothers Mr. Maraj my mother‘s teacher friend and top notch cricketer,Shiva Gurasingh, Psycho, whose real name I forget. My ex wife’s father was “Full Indian” Every one of those people was a source of joy and all inclusive glee, from Christmas celebration to the many festivals of India, street drumming and Indian weddings. No one ever heard a thing about the harsh and barbaric side of the Muslim religion in Trinidad, even though the second largest Mosque was just two streets over from my Grandmother’s house and less than a hundred yards, maybe more from a huge Catholic church. St.Mary’s.

Here in America only the three Gobin brothers and Ali still keep in touch. And our friendship is still the same. But the point is this. In one culture every one was raised to have fun and strive for academic excellence in everything. We all enjoyed every family and person as a matter of fact, as a family member. Dune Ali’s mother, a Christian baking ham at Christmas for those who wanted, and making Indian dishes for her husband for every Muslim festival. Forget the fasting though. He ate and drank as he pleased. God rest his soul.

There was no one to “impose” their belief systems or customs on anyone and we all lived happy productive lives, with Muslims going to Christian schools and just as proud to accept scholarships based entirely on academic performance.  When it was time for any Christian activities, any one who was not a Catholic was not expected to be any where else but in the study hall.

That said, I leave the drawing of conclusion up to all who care to opine. I say this with the utmost conviction though. Only Muslim “Leaders” want death and extermination of indidels. As the Christians and Romans did centuries ago.

P.S.Humans can change their genetic structure and pass on the altered genes to their offspring. And I will publish a blog on that soon.


3 thoughts on “Hand in hand with Joy!

  1. Sara Khan

    My end message is rejoice in all mankind and our creators message is also the same.

    Beautifully written and I’m glad that you are all still friends.

  2. kennymack2 Post author

    Thank you Dear Sarah. This is the first time any one has reblogged my stuff. May the blessings of good health and a peaceful heart follow you and those who love you well into the next century.


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