Tag Archives: miracles

UFO’s are real! Just like Psychic phenomena.

Seeing is a’believing faith’ totally real and unlike ‘hearing faith’. Millions of people have seen TV programs where people have seen the UFO phenomena, and heard doubters all over the place trying to explain to first hand observers that whatever they saw, had a natural explanation although none could be accepted by the first hand viewers.
The same kind of skepticism exists concerning Psychic phenomena even though most TV viewers have seen shows where cold case crimes were solved with the aid of Psychics in a state far removed from the scene of the murders, long after the Police had given up on the case.
Disbelief of the lamentably infrequent miraculous healings and of dreams that unfolded exactly as dreamt brings doubters and naysayers out in droves, because like Doubting Thomas of the Bible, they had not seen for themselves.
The common thread linking the types of events referred to above is this: Anyone who has experienced any of those unexplained events never doubts the Possibility of any such impossible or even more far out unbelievable events.
This is why personal intuition is so important. My Theory: Investigators are looking in the wrong places. Fast forward to String Theory.. –Some ?– Sub-molecular particles can be in two different locations at once, and/or occupy the same space, in different segments of linear time. Brain cells play around in the arena of sub atomic particles. This is how time travel is possible, how prophets can prophecy and how things materialize into one world from another, dreams ahead of wakeful reality. Consider Einstein theory: Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. The speed of light is involved. Speed is simply the measure of distance per measure of time. Time can be isolated on the left side of the equation. So we, theoretically speaking CAN have negative time or positive(Future) time in our experience. We can go back-ward or forward in our heads. You’ve heard people say; I’m sorry my mind was somewhere else, what was that again?
As of now we can not instruct our brain cell or the sub-atomic particles in our head to do our bidding. But eventually we will.

Deadly! Deadly Serious Comedy and Comical Calamity By Ken O. McIntosh
Source: sbpra.com
About the Book What is faith and does it have healing powers? Deadly! Deadly Serious Comedy and Comical Calamity is a book searching for answers. “After 30 years of treating cancer patients with radiation, I never had the opportunity to treat an atheist,” says author Ken O. McIntosh. “All of my patients had faith that God would heal them of their disease, but no one could explain to me how to get faith.” He adds, “I saw only one miraculous cure while I was treating a big-time smoker, and he had …

A letter to Pastor Joseph Prince

Dear Pastor Prince,

Regarding the life experience that you shared with us on TV, (I saw it two days ago June 7 or 8), about your daughter being sick and crying for three days, then you yourself crying and begging God for help. Your prayers were answered.

Imagine a person going through your scenario, and their child dies. Imagine it happening to that person three times and each time the parent prays more earnestly than the last, if that is possible and the child dies each time. To that person, a lifelong Christian, born, baptized and raised, in the Catholic Church, a full blown tithe-er, to that person all the talk and preaching is nothing but talk

But they continue going to church and tithing in spite of their heartbreak, but they don’t pray and ASK for anything anymore because in one sense nothing else matters except the afterlife. There are those of us who live for the day when “Pastors” say to their flock, I do not know why prayer doesn’t work, almost all of the time, or how to get miracle healing “Faith”

There are millions of people who are getting Chemo Therapy, including Mega Church Pastors wives, Kids laying in comas for months, some for years, then dieing, disabled Veterans, some blinded, many with loss of hearing, Mentally ill children, paralyzed accident victims living in wheelchairs for decades., Psycho patients, bi-polar suicide prone children and teenagers, and we both could go on and on.

You yourself preached about the two people who Jesus, Bless his soul, said had the most “Faith” of anyone he had ever met , so you know how hard it is to . . . “. . .get. . . ” miracle healing “Faith”.

People might not say it, because who do we turn to? But if what Preachers are saying these days is supposed to be the Gospel Truth, every tragic news story is an indictment on those preachers. We want to see all those tragic stories every day on the news, end with a miracle not an excuse. Let’s see those Preachers line up to go to Veterans Hospitals and Children’s homes who have been given up as incurable, and given X months to live, at the most. Let’s see those preachers who ask for $1000.00 a pop, go to these children’s homes and give those parents, financial miracles from those $1000.00 contributions that they receive, if not a true God Given miracle cure., which none of them can do or else they would already be doing it. I will now continue my tithing to your Church, after spreading additional tithing around, over the years from Kenneth Copeland to Beth El Shalom here in Florida. I’ve had my share of miracles, and my “Philosophy!?” is parallel to your preaching. Yet I will be classified a sinner and Heathen, heretic by most Christians, especially Preachers. Though he,God the father, may slay me yet will I love him.


All I know is “Something’s wrong.” And it ain’t me. . . . . or Senator Gabby Gifford  either, for that matter.