Kennymack the almost hero!

I was almost a hero yesterday morning. I was working in the front garden with my machete, loosening up the soil around the rose bushes when these young girls around the corner that I’d heard playing in their yard started screaming with all their might; “Run ! Run! Run1 HELP!! O my God Run! Run! “ You could hear the panic in their voices.

With machete in hand I jumped on my bicycle and headed off in their direction as fast as I could peddle. I had only one thing in mind, what would I do if he, their assailant has a gun?

I rounded the corner cut across their neighbor’s lawn and was met by an incredible site. Three little girls were beating themselves silly and yelling at another who was standing by a hedge screaming and swatting at herself. As soon as one of the girls saw me coming she pointed at her friend by the hedge and yelled “Yellow-jackets”.

At that point I turned and rode away, machete in hand yelling for their big shot father. That, my yelling for their father, was to make up for me thinking: “It’s every man for himself girls !”

Its only as I am writing this that it occurred to me; What was Wally doing that he couldn’t stop to go help his kids? Maybe he looked out his bedroom window and decided that what he was doing was more important than a “Bee rescue”

Just another day in Paradise.


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